Find the date and time to see the green comet | Science | nnda nnlt | uses

This year 2023 is one of the first astronomical events that the world can appreciate. . It is considered one of the most impressive scenes that repeat itself every 50,000 years. This event has caused great interest among the people. Learn when and how to pass this celestial body here.

Many are gearing up to witness the biggest spectacle of the year so far. 2023. It’s about getting through green kite That can only be seen by each 50 thousand years And whose predecessor goes back to the time Upper Stone Age.

People have been interested in watching sky shows for years StarsThe Eclipses, among other events. On this occasion, the late green kite.

However, many people wonder if this huge astronomical display can be seen from different countries or only in certain countries. Find all the information below.


What is a green comet?

According to It was discovered by astronomers last year Pot A comet called C/2022 E3 (ZTF). The event took place on March 12, 2022 and was possible thanks to the Astronomy Robot of the Swiggy Transient Facility.

A characteristic of this natural phenomenon is the shade of green seen during its journey. That’s why it’s called “”.green kite”.

Portal One of the experts noted that this phenomenon occurred when the Wide-Field Survey Camera was used by the 1.2-m Schmidt telescope on Mount Palomar (USA).

It was at that time, he adds, that a green comet was observed within the system in Jupiter’s orbit.

Is it dangerous to see a green comet?

People who like to appreciate green kite They can do it without any problem.

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In this sense, experts pointed out that it is not necessary to use professional equipment to see this astronomical phenomenon.

Where can you find a green comet?

The He argued that people in the Northern Hemisphere would have the best chances of seeing the green comet.

The aforementioned medium recommends that you cast your gaze towards the northwest before dawn to best observe it.

A date to see the Green Comet

Those who wish to witness this magnificent spectacle should take into account the following dates:

  • February 1, 2023: Close to Earth.
  • February 2, 2023: It can be found in Mexico.

Green Comet Viewing Locations in Mexico

  • Xochicalco (Morelos)
  • San Pedro Martir National Park (Baja California)
  • Bay Desert (San Luis Potosí)
  • Pico de Orizaba National Park (Puebla)
green kite

green kite

Misty Tate

"Freelance twitter advocate. Hardcore food nerd. Avid writer. Infuriatingly humble problem solver."

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