Face-to-face activities go back to Museo Espacio – El Sol del Centro

last March 23rdAnd Space Museum opened exposure From the Void Realmfollower Artist Johan Volkmann.

It is an animated screensaver Photography, sculpture, painting, music, literature and video. It will be open to the public until next month June 2023.

with this screen, Space Museum his appeals face-to-face activitieswith Tours for the general public, school, and specific interest groups; The latter, by appointment.

It might interest you: Johann Volkmann opens his exhibition at the Aerospace Museum

On the other hand, like every Monday, he submits digital diarywhich starts with moving #Trajectories , where the The work of important plastic makers, whose works are displayed in this museum. Later, in #NotasContemporáneas, there will be a review of Interesting notespublished in newspapers of national circulation, on contemporary art.

he Tuesday 28 Marchin #DatosCuriosos, others will be announced Museums of the worldwho are dedicated to spreading contemporary art.

he Wednesday, March 29thin # Reflections, the public will get acquainted with the museum work, through Symbolic phrases Of the most famous foundations; And in #MuseoExpandido, a Cultural Institute of Aguascalientes (ICA)Shares posts made in your editorial article.

he Thursday, March 30thBring back some Exhibitions which were performed in their rooms, by #TBT (Thursday of Back to the Past); While #InYourOwnVoice, the visitors They share with the public their experience when visiting this space.

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he Friday, March 31stIn #MuseoAbierto, weekly scheduled activities are posted at Museo Espacio, such as Programming Cultural Sundays.

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he Saturday 1st April#Virtual Workshops will be broadcast, with Fun plastic activities for the whole family; at the same time Sunday 2 Aprilwill activate reading room With #LosCuentosDeMuseoEspacio.

to schedule a Guided visitCall the phone number 01 41 449688.

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Myrtle Frost

"Reader. Evil problem solver. Typical analyst. Unapologetic internet ninja."

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