Eight voices reflecting on 40 years of democracy in Argentina

On December 10, 1983, a democratically elected president assumed power in Argentina after seven years of dictatorship. The oppressors called for elections and on October 30, citizens elected Raúl Alfonsín from the Radical Civic Union with nearly 52% of the vote. Before a packed Plaza de Mayo, the new president launched a period of unfettered democracy that has now lasted 40 years: “My fellow countrymen, today we all begin a new phase of Argentina. Undoubtedly a difficult phase, because all of us have an enormous responsibility to guarantee democracy and respect for human dignity in Argentina now and in the future.

On December 10th, after four decades, EL PAÍS has gathered leaders from different sectors to take stock of the achievements and debts of democracy in Argentina. Tati Almeida, mother of Plaza de Mayo; Adolfo Pérez Esquivel, activist and Nobel Peace Prize winner; Jorge Lanata, Journalist; Roberto Lavagna, former economy minister and former presidential candidate; Pepe di Paola, priest of the famous neighborhood; Mariana Enriquez, journalist and writer; Moira Millen, Mapuche leader, and Victoria Liascovitch, student, share their ideas and reflections in this video.


Image: Belén Grosso Tomas Cuesta

Still Photography: Mariana Eliano

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Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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