Dominican President to Cuba this Friday 77 |

Abinador plans to go to Cuba this Friday

Santo Domingo, September 14.- Dominican Republic President Luis Abinader will travel to Havana, Cuba this Friday to attend the Group of 77 and China meeting in this Caribbean island.

He plans to arrive in the morning via Jose Marti Airport.

At 11:30 a.m., he will address the assembly at the International Convention Center in Havana.

Traveling with the President are Ministers of Foreign Affairs, Roberto Alvarez; Executive Officer of the Presidency, Jose Ignacio Palisa and Higher Education, Science and Technology, Franklin Garcia Fermin. Ambassador Flavio Rondon will join them in Havana.

The Dominican president plans to return to the Dominican Republic later in the afternoon.

A trip to the UN

Next Sunday afternoon, President Abinader plans to travel to New York to participate in the 78th General Assembly of the United Nations (UN), where he will deliver a speech on Wednesday the 20th. He will return to the country on Friday the 22nd to conclude an agenda covering the regions with other leaders, administrators and officials of international organizations.


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Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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