Despite the ban, FP Plaza de la Bandera | announces a big rally

Despite the ban, FP Plaza de la Bandera | announces a big rally

Lionel Fernandez during the FP Assembly in Santo Domingo on August 19, 2023

SANTO DOMINGO- The presidential candidate of the Fuerza del Pueblo (FP) party, Leonel Fernández, has announced that the organization will hold a large demonstration of fighters and supporters on September 23 in Plaza de la Bandera in front of the central headquarters. Election Commission,

He said its main objective was to “express the joy of reaching the goal of 2 million members of Fuerza del Pueblo, which today, Saturday August 19, has exceeded one million nine hundred thousand registered.”

Fernandez said the registration will be formally deposited at the JCE on September 25 by the FP’s High Commission.

Faith Justice will be respected

Although the JCE issued a statement limiting political activity, Fernandez said he hoped the judiciary of the high courts would be respected.

“Since it is not our responsibility, the decisions of the Constitutional Court are binding on all organs or powers of the state like the Central Election Board,” he said.

He declared that the quality of JCE members guarantees compliance and respect for constitutional mandates, “Therefore, we will hold our massive demonstration on September 23 without changing any decision of the Central Election Board.”

Prepares government plan

Fernández said the FP is preparing a government plan to present to voters next year in 2024, which will be a more modern one.

Regarding the registered register, he said it would be subject to censorship and would not be contaminated by extremists belonging to other political parties.

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During the FP assembly on August 19, several resolutions were approved.

The leader of the People’s Army spoke at a meeting of the Central Directorate of the party held this Saturday at the Dominican Sports Hall of Fame at the Juan Pablo Duarte Olympic Center. During this, evaluation of non-political work was done and many resolutions were passed.

The assembly was overseen by JCE officers Jose Garcia Rojas, Robinson Lebron, Nidia Fabian and Candy Biro and legalized by Sergio Nott, Notary Public representing the Notary College.

A minute of silence

During the meeting, those in attendance stood and observed a minute of silence for those who lost their lives in San Cristóbal.

Over the weekend, the People’s Army suspended all its public activities in solidarity with those killed in the explosion in the southern city.

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The JCE prohibits rallies, marches and advertisements during pre-campaigns

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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