Cornella dedicates space to teenage Christina Bergoa, who disappeared 25 years ago

  • On March 9 every year, the residents of the municipality and the city council show their solidarity and support for the family through acts of honor at this place.

The Cornella City Council (Baix Llobregat) Opened Wednesday, March 9th, Christina Bergoa Vera Spaceto remember this young woman from the municipality who was 16 years old when she disappeared 25 years ago, on March 9, 1997, whose case has never been clarified.

Dozens of people attended commemorative workWhich was attended by Christina’s parents, relatives, representatives of institutions and city entities.

Located at the confluence of the streets of Palma de Mallorca, Miranda and Mosin Joaquim Palette, very close to the family home, the place for a few years already had a monolith, as well as a plaque commemorating missing persons For no apparent reason.

On the 9th of March every year, the residents of Cornella and the city council show Solidarity and family support With works of honor in this space that will now bear the name of the missing young woman.

Day of the missing for no apparent reason

In fact, the House of Representatives announced March 9 as Day of the missing for no apparent reason The unanimous consent of the Chamber in 2013, as a result of the initiative John BergoaChristina’s father, as president and founder of InterSOS, which supports relatives who find themselves in the same situation.

The disappearance of Cristina Bergoa Vera occurred on the night of March 9, 1997, when she was 16 years old, and the last person who saw her was the young man she was dating, Javier R. shoot it On the road from Esplugues to Cornellà.

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The efforts and sacrifices of the relatives of the disappeared, among whom the Bergois-Vera family who was always present, led to the creation of The National Center for the Missing, in order to obtain a unified database throughout the territory of the state. Even the protocols for the security forces’ intervention in this type of situation are over Change As a result of the disappearance of the young man residing in Cornella.

More news from Cornella In the local edition of EL PERIÓDICO

Myrtle Frost

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