Cell phone thefts double when leaving Espacio Zity

“At the ‘food truck’ they found one person in possession of six stolen cell phones and the same number in other searches in the area.” Explain to Aragon today Sources close to the facts.

The National Police admitted that the outer area of ​​’Oily space“There have already been some complaints this weekend from citizens who have been robbed or burglaries with intimidation. “They are looking for the cell phone, they are not looking for anything more than that and the little money you have,” one victim explains to this digital newspaper.

“The bag was in front and I put my hand on it. “I don’t know how it could happen” Another girl explains that on the day of the announcement her party ended early. He had to report his mobile phone stolen, and it’s still unclear how that happened.

He added: “There was a boy and a girl nearby, and they were somewhat suspicious, but we did not see anything else until they disappeared from the scene.” He recognizes the victim’s friend. Experts say that these organized and touring troupes are already in Zaragoza for these holidays and intend to have a good time.

Complaints have continued to be submitted to local and national police since last Friday, despite continuous warnings from security forces and bodies. “It’s better to carry everything in your hand, and if you use an old phone that you don’t care much about instead of the cell phone you usually carry at parties, the better,” explains another person who also fell victim to this. This theft.

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From reckless theft to knife theft

The situation has reached the point where a stabbing incident has already occurred in the Valdepartera area due to the theft of mobile phones from a group of minors. The assailants, who were arrested and identified by the UAPO of the local police in Zaragoza, are also minors and stabbed one of the victims with a knife above the navel.

The stab wound initially seemed serious, but fortunately it turned out not to be that serious. It was seven against three They stabbed one of the victims because he resisted handing over his belongings to them.

Myrtle Frost

"Reader. Evil problem solver. Typical analyst. Unapologetic internet ninja."

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