Biden’s United States and Europe: Divisions will be overcome with great difficulty

But while Joe Biden’s visit marks a return to diversity, Europe and the United States will still have opposing interests.

The portal quoted Jeff Hawkins, a former US diplomat and co-researcher at the International Institute for Strategic Relations (IRIS), as warning. All‘Europe“The election of Joe Biden does not mean that all trade conflicts will disappear overnight, such as the competition between aeronautical giants American Boeing and European Airbus. There will also be a tense situation regarding digital taxation, where companies mainly pay lower taxes in Europe compared to Americans and their businesses.” .

As for the resumption of the Atlantic Ocean trade agreement negotiated under the leadership of Barack Obama, political scientist Celia Belin believes it is “unthinkable” at a time when talk of protectionism on both sides of the Atlantic is on the rise, as quoted by Brookings in Washington, D.C.

In terms of strategic commitment, Trump’s tenure has weakened confidence in Europeans in the United States, according to a European Foreign Office (ECFR) survey.

In a poll in the French press L‘Apch, Political scientist Evan Krastave, along with ECFR director Mark Leonard, comments on the results of the study, showing that in the eyes of most Europeans, the United States will not preserve the old continent indefinitely.

The authors estimate that more than half (53%) of Germans will no longer trust Europe’s Atlantic ally. Although Germany is an exception, it is clear that an electoral cycle will not be enough to restore America’s international reputation.

Trump’s impact on Atlantic relations is that in the conflict between the United States, China and Russia, neutrality has become a very popular option among Europeans.

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The authors question whether Berlin will make Washington the pilot capital in foreign policy. A lot of people in Europe seem to have shared this opinion.

Four years after Trump, the current alliance between the EU and the United States has broken down and needs to be repaired, say Evan Grostave and Mark Leonard.

When the United States returns to the world, the new Biden administration has every reason to pay attention not only to the toxic divisions within the country, but also to the mentality of Europeans.

Column “Eurochronica” with Ovidu Nahoi every day, Monday to Friday, 8.45am, Sunday, 15.00pm, RFI in Romania only

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