April 8 Eclipse: 4 Tips for Photographing the Event

A Total solar eclipse It offers unique opportunities for sky watchers. It allows scientists to better understand the star in the solar system and provides impressive views for experts and amateurs alike. It is natural to want to portray it as a unique astronomical phenomenon. to Available Great photos At this time, it is better to follow some guidelines from the experts.

Experts stress the importance Protect eyes when Eclipses Sun light. As NASA notes, looking directly at the Sun (whether it's through a camera, telescope, or telescope lens without a special protective solar filter) can cause serious eye injuries.

So, they should Use safe sunglasses (Unlike normal sunglasses, which won't protect your eyes while viewing the eclipse).

Also, if you want Photograph the sun At the same time somewhat Eclipse, you should Use a special solar filter to protect the cameraIn addition to a pair of solar viewing glasses, the US space agency recommends.

however, throughoutThat is, when the Moon completely blocks the Sun, The filter can be removed to view the Sun's outer atmosphere: Crown. According to NASA, “You know it's safe when you can no longer see any part of the Sun through eclipse glasses or a solar viewer.” However, it's important to put your glasses back on as soon as it reappears (even if it's just a small amount of sunlight).

Likewise, the space agency recommends Get a consultation Astronomer Expert before using a solar filter with a camera or any other optical device. Also, remember them Solar filters should be placed in front of the lens of the camera.

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The government agency responsible for space recognizes that whatever device you have, you can take incredible pictures if you put your mind to it.

“At the end of the day, the best equipment you can have is a good eye and a A view of the image you want to create. If you don't have a telephoto zoom lens, consider making one Capture nature photos and changing environments”, NASA proposes.

Some extra equipment can make a difference and make the job easier. A A tripod helps stabilize the camera and avoid blurry images and a Timer with trigger This will allow you to take photos without shaking the camera. Protecting the machine from wind is also important.

Regarding the technical specifications, Babak Tafrashi, a photographer who has been photographing the night sky since the 1990s, mentions in an article. National Geographic Your favorite lens for eclipses is in the 400 to 600 millimeter (mm) range and 14 to 20mm wide angle.

Expert recommends Keep the ISO low and an exposure of 1/2 to 1/10 of a second or faster. Likewise, he proposes Keep the camera in manual focusBecause the autofocus gets messed up during an eclipse.

Misty Tate

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