Almost everyone loves reggaeton…and science explains why

Everyone knows there is debate Fixed on What kind of music is bestIf it is Lap Wave classic music. Part of the personal tastes, There is already one The scientific answer on. a Stady One Canarian researcher discovered what kind of music it generates Increased brain activity.

the Doctoral thesis From a neurosurgeon Jesus Martin Fernandezfrom the University Hospital Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria (Santa Cruz de Tenerife), gives keys Reactions that occur in the brain When listening Different styles of musicwhich includes reggaeton music.

Brain and music

They participated in the investigation 28 people They didn't have it No musical training (so as not to interfere with the results) which they had Different musical tastes. At first they were exposed to each other Hearing tests To measure participants' ability to Distinguish melodies And Rhythmic phrases.

Next, a Magnetic Resonance while Listen Different musical styles without words. In this way, they were keen to study human processing of music without the need for… confusion that it language It can cause Brain activity.

some Songs The ones they heard were “Shaky Shaky” by Daddy Yankee and “Ginza” by J Balvin, in Lap; “Passion” by Alberto Feria and “L'amour toujours” by Dzeko. electronics; The Concerto in E Minor by Vivaldi and the Air Minuet in D by Luis Copella, in classic music; And canary leaves and his malaguinia folklore.

Researchers Analyzed he brain From every person Anatomically And after listening to music Bold markwhich indicates what Areas of the brain receive oxygen And what happens when activation the Different brain regions.

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Reggaeton getting ready to dance

After the experiment, the result was clear. he Lap It has been The musical style that activates more areas of the brain: the audio -Those that process sound- and engine -Movement owners-. As Martin Fernandez explains: “It's as if reggaeton is here Strange, repetitive rhythmwe He will prepare for him a movementl Dance Just listen to it.”

the classic musicOn the contrary, it is more complicated And Less predictable to the brain, which could be a decisive factor in explaining the cause It activates lower areas of the brain. the electronics As shown by A Activation Of the motor areas, but significantly small Compared with the Lap.

he Nerves He explained that what caught their attention most was that Lap Activated Basal nucleiIt is a primitive and deep area in the brain responsible for… Adjust position And the a movement.

Future investigations

In the Basal nuclei Owns Origin some degenerative diseases, as Parkinson's Disease. In this type of degenerative disease, A Gradual deterioration From one of the knots that are made decreases the Dopamine And finish changing he a movement.

Activate this area with Lap Leaves the door open for Martin Fernandes Investigate further about him brain And her relationship with him musicAnd expanding this experience to include patients with this type Degenerative diseases.

Myrtle Frost

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