(Source: Emil Aladjem/IAA via Pen News)
Israel's Netivei National Infrastructure Agency accidentally discovered the oldest recorded Roman military settlement in the area, known as the “Field of Armageddon,” the biblical site of the battle. The end of the apocalypse. In their discovery, archaeologists in charge of the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA) pointed to the presence of other objects of daily life and signs of the imperial army.
By: Nation
Israel, like many countries in Asia, Africa and Europe, has a huge amount of history beneath its soil that is slowly being discovered. In this case, the Infrastructure Office was planning to upgrade the nearby corridor and in the midst of excavations, traces of Roman civilization dating back 1800 years were found.
The sector has the Sixth Armored Brigade, 5,000 men ready to control one of the Middle East's most important routes, near the Del Megiddo archaeological site, described as one of the oldest human settlements. 7000 BC
Two roads passed through the camp in the middle of the military camps connecting the part of Israel's territory under Roman command. They were going north. According to the Bible, Del Megiddo is the place where “the demons will gather the most important kings of the world for the final battle before the wrath of God prevails.”
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