48 hour green alert in Sula Valley

San Pedro Sula

The Permanent Commission on Coincidences (Kobeko) 48 hour green alert at 5:00 pm yesterday Sula Valley Due to possible flooding in the Ulya and Samelegan rivers.

A Tropical wave It also rained in most national territories since Thursday as winds from the Pacific and Caribbean combined; But with greater force in the south, center and west of the country.

Rivers that have fallen on Thursdays and Fridays have raised rivers before they are mentioned, in that sense, the Green Warning, so people are alert and alert about weather conditions.


Yesterday afternoon, it rained with thunder and heavy rain San Pedro SulaAt 5:30 p.m., several streets and parts of the city were flooded. At the intersection of 13 South Street and Sarkunwalasian Avenue, strong currents dragged some vehicles, while others climbed into the medians to avoid being hit by water.

At the intersection of 7th Street with Circanvalasian Avenue, a water reservoir was created on Third North Avenue.

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In South Boulevard, in front of the bus terminal, it was also flooded. The Beatrice River crosses the plateau of the Columbia Colony and obstructs vehicular traffic, giving access to the Permejo River Tigmaya Plateau.

In various places, such as the second ring and the first ring of the Circuitvalasian and Boulevard del Norde, vehicular traffic was heavy.

Alberto Varela, Commander Fire Brigade From San Pedro Sula, After the rain, two vehicles set off to cut down the trees. The waterfall was announced at Junior Avenue Junction on First Street (in front of Tropicas) and 10th Street and 16th Avenue, Cabanas neighborhood. Surveillance is maintained on the Permejo and Blanco rivers.

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Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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