Tremors in Puerto Rico today, June 3 – Seismic report via RSPR Live | composition

The , has collaborated with the Department of Geography at the University of Puerto Rico's Mayaguez campus in reporting tremors felt by people on the Caribbean island. Through their work we can show you data such as the time, epicenter and magnitude of seismic events that occurred today, June 3, 2024; In addition, you will find relevant information such as emergency numbers in case of an earthquake that could cause serious damage to the island.

Puerto Rico It is located in a highly seismic zone and several major faults converge through it; The Puerto Rico mine is the most active in the country. Therefore, preparation and awareness of the population and local authorities regarding these events is essential.

Earthquake in Puerto Rico today, June 3 – via RSPR, live

Review updated and real-time information on the latest news about earthquakes in Puerto Rico, official data provided by the Seismic Network, including emergency numbers and preventive measures in the event of a major earthquake in the country.

What are the most earthquake prone areas in Puerto Rico?

Puerto Rico's largest seismic activity is located in the southwestern part of the island. This is due to the tectonic activity of the Mona Passage, a strait between Puerto Rico and the Dominican Republic. The region is known for its frequent earthquake swarms, groups of small earthquakes that occur over short periods of time.

These are some specific areas of Puerto Rico that are more prone to earthquakes:

  • Guanica
  • Get dressed
  • Guanilla
  • Penulas
  • Bones
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Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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