Did you feel the last tremor? Today, we have a report on earthquakes in Mexico on Thursday, September 28, with information provided by the National Seismological Service (SSN).
Where and when was the earthquake in Mexico today, Thursday, September 28? In the last days, A series of earthquakes have been reported A magnitude 5 earthquake was felt in various states of the country, including Chiapas, at 1:46 p.m. (Central Time). Along these lines, we share the latest information related to telluric movements The official report is updated in real time of National Seismic Service (SSN). Likewise, we will share the most recent ones Government recommendations and regulations In any emergency of Andrés Manuel López Obrador.
Why is Mexico shaking? Seismic and volcanic activity are unique characteristics of Mexico. Located on the Ring of Fire, the country sees the highest number of earthquakes globally due to plate tectonics.
Tremors in Mexico today, Thursday, September 28
Mexico is one of the most seismically active countries in the worldAccording to statistics, More than 90 earthquakes of magnitude greater than 4 are recorded annually On the Richter scale, this equates to 60% of all recorded telluric movements in the world.