Tonight .. the Arab world is on a date with meteor showers

Qatar Calendar House, residents of the Northern Hemisphere, including residents of the State of Qatar and the rest of the Arab world, will be on the lookout date for this year’s quadrantits as it culminates this evening, Sunday, January 3, Sunday. Until Monday dawn.

Meteor shower

To understand the cause of the meteor, imagine you are driving your car and then entering a cloud of smoke caused by a burning tree near the road. This is what happens in space. As the Earth orbits the Sun, it enters the remnant rock remnants as a comet or asteroid passes through that area. When this happens, those rock remnants enter the Earth’s atmosphere at great speed and form meteorites.

Forty meteors are active during the period from late December to the second week of January each year, according to the Qatar Calendar House; However, it peaks on the night of January 3 to 4 each year.

Meteor peaks are the best time for you to see meteorites, and the rupee is one of the most important rains that comes back every year, and during its peak you can see more than 120 meteors per hour in a remote area.

Al Raqqa Center; Any starting point is the area between the 4 constellations: Big Tipper, Scream, Dragon and Hercules. The galaxy is named after an ancient galaxy located at that location, and it is called Quadrans Muralis.

How do I view it?

However, you do not need to know the astronomical coordinates and the positions of the stars to see the meteorites; Because meteors usually spread everywhere in the sky, so go out into the sky at night and hold your head high to see it.

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Fortunately, this event does not require complex instruments such as telescopes or telescopes, all you need is to stay away from light pollution, the closer you get to city centers, the less meteors you can detect dramatically; So, going out to remote areas is a great solution.

It takes about half an hour to adjust the darkness in the area where your eyes are observed. Also, monitoring meteor showers in the presence of the company is generally pleasant.

In the meantime, take simple safety measures, as rain can come in very cold weather and after midnight; So warm yourself up before you go out; This is because prolonged sleep in cold weather can cause serious health problems.

Busy year

In 2021, we expect more meteor showers; But other than the rupee, the most important are the Purshariat rain and the twins.

The peak of the Perseids show can be seen from August 12 to 13, from midnight to sunrise, up to 120 meteors per hour that night.

According to “Geminites” they are the climax on the night of December 13 to 14, and they are one of the most important and interesting meteors throughout the year, you can see 100 meteors per hour.

One of the reasons why 2021 is so special for meteor showers is that the moon does not disturb any of them by its appearance. As its light fills the sky, it significantly reduces the number of detectable meteorites.

Misty Tate

"Freelance twitter advocate. Hardcore food nerd. Avid writer. Infuriatingly humble problem solver."

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