The woman is shot in the heart and saved by her silicone prosthesis – the people – the culture

Many women choose to undergo cosmetic surgery to be beautiful.

One of the cosmetic surgeries they usually undergo is implanting breast implants, which makes them feel more secure and attractive.

In Canada, a woman who had silicone implants in her breasts had them removed and saved her life.

According to the journal ‘Plastic Surgery Case Studies’, A 30-year-old woman He was walking the streets of Toronto when he suddenly felt “hot and painful in his left chest.”

He decided to check out the area He realized that he was bleeding profusely After passing out, he had to be taken to the emergency room of a nearby hospital.

Medics saw her and found a gunshot wound to her left nipple, and that’s when she was taken to a trauma center.

The experts checked the woman’s chest and realized that the bullet had run out On the lower right wall of your chest, below your breastbone.

(You may also be interested in: Expiration of Breast Implants: How Long Should You Wait to Replace Them?)

In surgery, both implants were removed as both were damaged by the bullet: The projectile entered through the left side and then lodged in the right implant.

According to doctors, The deviation saved the woman’s life, requiring only surgery to remove a fracture and two implants.

(Also Read: ‘Asian syndrome rare in breast implants’: Experts)

According to plastic surgeon Giancarlo McEvenue, the woman was given antibiotics and quickly released.

However, because of the high risk of infection, they advised him not to have the implant again; You should wait at least six months to intervene again in that area.

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It is not yet known if the woman had a re-implantation According to local police sources, it was never known where the gunfire came from.

Why is breast enlargement not a fashion issue?

Luz Angela Dominguez Coral Reef
Digital Scope Writing

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