The tourist goes to Cuba with 100 euros and is scandalized by the prices

Writing CubitaNOW ~ Wednesday, August 9, 2023

A young tourist went to Cuba with 100 euros and upon arrival found out that it was not enough to cover the costs of his stay on the island, given the high prices.

“I didn’t know everything was so expensive, I didn’t plan everything well, but hey, let’s see,” said the young woman as she walked the streets of Havana.

According to ExplainA family from the island He welcomed her And he welcomed her into his home where he felt like an “adopted daughter”.

Although unprepared, he became intimately familiar with the reality of Cubans and warned that he would share more videos about how they manage to survive.

“Cuba madness, one of the best decisions I’ve ever made,” the young woman wrote alongside her video, which led to criticism and debate on the platform.

“But who would think of traveling with 100”; “Cuba is very expensive for tourists. It’s crazy considering the conditions. “I found it more expensive than the Dominican Republic,” some users said.

“Being a poor country, people think they’re going to live as billionaires with less money…Cuba is one of the most expensive countries”; “I will not go to the next town with 100 euros”; “How do you feel about going to another country with 100 euros. For God’s sake, others questioned.

Cuba continues to amaze. In recent weeks, South African YouTuber and influencer Kurt Kass visited the island and vowed that he would not return at the end of his tour.

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During his stay in Cuban territory, Gass shared his experiences documenting part of the country’s reality.

“It was a dream, I can’t imagine what life is like for people here,” said the South African, who spent several days in the Cuban capital and some provinces in the center of the country.

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Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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