Taiwan Govt: How 200 days went by without a case spreading domestically

Taipei’s response to the corona virus infection is one of the best in the world. The island, which has a population of 23 million, last recorded a case that spread domestically on April 12, which is Easter Sunday. As of Thursday, it had confirmed 553 cases – only 55 of which were local transactions. Seven deaths have been reported.

Easter was an important milestone in the United States because President Donald Trump said a month ago that the country should “open up and move on.” Holidays.
At that time, there were 1.7 million people Infected Worldwide, 110,000 people have been killed by the virus. On Friday, Johns Hopkins University reported that figures exceeded 45 million cases and more than 1.1 million deaths.
Taiwan’s milestone achievement comes in a week France and Germany make new locks And the United States was identified More than 88,000 cases a day. The state of Florida has a population similar to that of Taiwan, with a population of about 21 million. On Wednesday, 4,188 cases were identified Alone.

Taiwan will never have to make tough locks. It does not seek to impose as severe restrictions on civil liberties as China’s mainland.

Instead, Taiwan’s response was focused At speed. Taiwanese authorities began screening passengers on direct flights from Wuhan, where the virus was first identified, on December 31, 2019 – the virus has been the subject of much speculation and limited reporting.

Taiwan confirmed the first report of the Corona virus novel on January 21, after which Wuhan residents were banned from going to the island. All travelers from China, Hong Kong and Macau must be screened.

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All this happened before Wuhan was locked up on January 23rd. By March, Taiwan had banned all foreigners from entering the island, except for ambassadors, residents and those with special entry visas.

But Taiwan has advantages that its peers in the West do not.

One is geography – Taiwan is an island, so it is easy for authorities to control entry and exit through its borders.

Taiwan also had experience on its side. Taiwan’s Foreign Minister Joseph Wu said in an interview last month that Taiwan had worked to develop the ability to cope with an epidemic since it was hit by a severe respiratory illness (SARS) in 2003.

“So, when we heard that there were some secret pneumonia cases in China, the patients were treated in solitary confinement and we knew it was something similar,” he said.

Authorities implemented the island’s Central Epidemiology Command, which was set up next to SARS, to coordinate between various ministries. The government increased production of mask and protective equipment to ensure that there would be a steady supply of BPE.

Government The mass was also invested Testing and quick and effective communication tracking.

Sen Xien-jen, a former vice president of Taiwan who is an epidemiologist by training, said locks are not the best. Sen also said that mass testing programs carried out on China’s mainland, where millions of people would be screened when a few cases were discovered, were unnecessary.

“Very careful communication tracking and the most severe isolation of close contacts is the best way to have Govit-19,” he said.

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CNN’s Paula Hancox, James Griffiths and Meenkatten Jah contributed to the report.

Eden Hayes

"Wannabe gamer. Subtly charming beer buff. General pop culture trailblazer. Incurable thinker. Certified analyst."

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