Saskatchewan Confederation rubs hands to seek revenge in Cascadlin against Mexico

They hope the authorities ’permission in October to allow the public on the football fields and get the Mexican trio

Hugo Guerrero, president of the Salvador Football Association, was pleased that the country’s national team had been planted on the field of the Cotton Bowl to play “face-to-face” with Mexico in the Gold Cup. Qatar is waiting with open arms for the triangle to be rehabilitated at the Cascatlin Stadium next October, inside the octagonal eliminator heading into 2022.

When the time came, Hugo Carrillo pointed out in an interview with ESPN Digital that they would be very happy to receive the ‘Giant of the Conclave’ in El Salvador: “Undoubtedly, people will want to see this game in Cascatlin. This is another reason to feel happy. “

The leader hopes that the approval of the Salvador government and health officials will prevail in October to allow the public on the country’s football fields until people have already been vaccinated.

One week ago, there was an interim injunction in El Salvador banning concerts, rallies, sporting events and festivals with the public for 90 days in order to reduce the spread of COVID-19.

In fact, the Salvador Federation has already asked FIFA to make its knockout matches ‘local’ in the United States (in cities such as Washington, Los Angeles and Houston, where there are more Salvadoran people).

However, as the government and the Ministry of Health backtracked on their decision not to allow people in the stadiums, El Salvador will be able to play with their fans in the September 2 match against the United States and then Honduras. Visit data from Mexico on October 13th.

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“It’s a desire to be able to get the Mexico national team in our country. It’s nice to have them there, and they can feel good about the other teams. We will try to be comfortable with them in our country, but you know there’s always a good healthy sporting competition between Mexico and El Salvador, We are waiting for them in Salvador. “

“Having fans for the game in Mexico (El Salvador) is very important to us; it’s always good to play against a rival who is considered the best in the region, as happened yesterday in Mexico ‘Confederations Giant’ and it is always pleasant. We love being Salvadorans. This game, no doubt, will attract the attention of our selected teams as well. Native fans, leaders, the population, the football family.

On the other hand, with regard to last Sunday’s match between La Celta and El Tri, due to the tactical approach of coach Hugo Perez, he confirmed that he saw a different Salvador national team.

In fact, he stressed that there are players on the current Salvador squad today who, in his time, did not call Carlos de los Copos, although he was expected to do so, and he promised that they would never impose anything on him. This time he looked at his team with an attacking style.

“We saw an effective selection going forward and in the competition area it was, obviously, a different development than we were before … we fought the ‘Giant of the Concoction’ (re-emphasized) may have been nervous with some of our players in the first half, but then Our choice has begun to come. In short, I think we have a choice in a process that will help us be more competitive in the Concacaf area ….. yesterday it was lost, but I think El Salvador deserves a different decision. “

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Honduras referee Side Martinez said he had no complaints, pointing out that they were human errors, but he liked his job, adding that “it’s good” and activating the VAR in gold cup.

Eden Hayes

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