Report to the Nation 2022: Ecuador’s Investment Portfolio Increases to $ 39,000 Million, announced by President Guillermo Lasso | Economy | News

President Guillermo Lasso announced this morning that he has expanded the investment portfolio, which can be implemented through private investment or public-private partnership or representative management functions. $ 39,000 million, “does nothing more than this Reaffirms that Ecuador is a country of opportunity. This was stated during his report to the nation in connection with the first year of government.

He explained that the government has identified investments of over $ 5,200 million in the infrastructure sector alone. President Lasso noted that this amount includes important tasks such as CTabapela-Kusubamba highways; And Songkong-Santa Elena, That’s it Soon they will come true.

Earlier this year and next, Lasso announced, they will be Assembled new processes for Loja-Catamayo road corridors; Montecristi-La Cadena; And Monta-Queto.

He added that the broker’s offer is on the verge of being signed The government is working on major projects such as the Buena Fe-Babahoyo-Jujan and Cuenca-Molleturo-Naranjal roads; Ambato-Banos-Puo; Rest-Qualio-Pat; Sor-Coca Lake; Ambato-Guranda-Papahoyo.

He also pointed out that important projects like highways are coming up In Quito-Guayaquil, and in Quenca-Guayaquil. On the other hand, with the support of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), projects such as the Fifth Durán-Guayaquil Bridge and the operation of the multi-purpose train are already under construction.

On another topic, President Lasso said At least until 2025 Ten trade agreements With various countries and business groups from Asia, Europe and the United States. They include the alliance between Mexico and the Pacific.

Increase in oil production

On the oil issue, the president said he expects daily average crude oil production by December 583,000 barrels of oil equivalent to 477,000 barrels of oil by 2021.

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In addition, he is by 2025, andHis big goal is to double production to reach one million barrels a day.

At this time, the world trend is to drop fossil fuels, so it is time to extract every last drop of oil, he explained. Always in the service of the poor Respect the environment.

He explained that with this oil policy, the fiscal deficit would be eliminated and there would be adequate resources for health, education, security and local affairs.

However, he added that with more production, the product should sell better. So, fourteen years later we are selling oil Directly to international refineries, Eliminate intermediaries who have diverted a good chunk of revenue.

By eliminating these intermediaries, the State of Ecuador will receive a large sum of money, at current prices, This would mean hundreds of millions of dollars a year. The President stressed that intermediaries could not enrich themselves from the actions being taken by Ecuador. He also said that the “chains of corruption” had been broken, referring to a well-known mediator (Enrique Cadena Marin) who was involved in activities that could harm Ecuador by millions. The President promised “The Feast of the Intercessors is over. “(I)

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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