No room for traffic! Yu Darvish tied the longest scoreless streak since 1900

star pitcher for the San Diego Padres, Yu Darvish, has entered the baseball history books by hitting four consecutive scoreless starts of more than 5 innings, with three hits or less. This impressive streak puts him among the pitchers Christian Javier In 2022 and Michael Fulmer In 2016, according to Sarah Longs, it tied for the longest streak in a season since at least 1901.

200 career wins

Darvish, known for his accuracy and varied pitching skills, hasn't allowed a run since April 14. His dominance on the mound has been an expression of mastery, extending his scoreless innings to 25 and marking his 200th professional hit as a pitcher.

Darvish's consistency has been a major factor for the Padres this season, dropping his ERA to 2.08. His ability to keep hitters in check is on display as he racked up nine strikeouts in his last outing with just 99 pitches in seven innings against the Braves.

Darvish's feat not only highlights his individual talent, but also underscores the importance of strategy and endurance in the game. In an era where pitchers are often closely monitored and limited in their workload, Darvish has shown that sustained excellence is possible.

With this streak, Darvish joins a select group of pitchers who have made their mark in MLB history. His name is now mentioned in the same breath as other greats who had dream seasons, and his performance in 2024 will be remembered as one of the most dominant.

Fathers, with Yu Darvish At the top, they establish themselves as serious competitors and their contribution to the team is invaluable. As baseball continues its march toward the postseason, it celebrates a pitcher who has raised the bar for the best in the game.

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