Mariana Gonzalez: How Vicente Fernandez Jr’s fiancee is looking after her new surgery beautifully | Photograph

In recent weeks, Mariana Gonzalez Padilla well known as “Mexican Kim Kardashian”, Their activity on social networks decreased drastically A new cosmetic surgery was done, This prevented him from taking new photos, however, and it was through his Instagram stories Vicente Fernandez Jr’s fiancee gets a taste of his new look And its striking beauty stole more than a sigh.

It was last July 11 Mariana Gonzalez Padilla Nasi underwent a nose job and although he initially said it was a health issue, he made a broadcast when he returned home “Already paid,” he admitted, asking his doctor to fix his nose. He also sneered and turned up his nose “It was the only agency I had.” He notes that it is the only part of his body that has not undergone surgery.

After surgery, he Mariana Gonzalez He was able to leave the hospital on his own two feet, however, two days later he reappeared on the network and showed the devastation of the surgery that left him. Multiple injuries in the area of ​​cheekbones He hasn’t been seen since, but he shared a different take on his last hours The stories show that he has already seen without injuries and his “new nose”.

This is what Mariana Gonzalez looks like after her last surgery. Photo: IG: marianagp01

It is significant The “Mexican Kim Kardashian” still appeared with two surgical tapes on her noseHowever, these elements did not prevent him from admiring the new shape of his nose, which looked a little more stylized and elongated.

Mariana Gonzalez introduces a nose before reality

The Kim Kardashian is Mexican She revealed a few weeks ago that her main motivation for this cosmetic surgery was health and cause. Vicente Fernandez Jr. I had already warned her to stop co-sleeping because of her snoring at night if her breathing problem didn’t resolve, however, this new surgery will improve her quality of life and make her even more beautiful. Inside New season “Rich, Famous, Latino” With already confirmed location Frida Sofia, Frida MunozWife of Julio Cesar Chavez Jr. and Kimberly FlowersWife of Edwin Luna.

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Until now, The new season of “Riga, Famosa, Latina” doesn’t have a premiere date yetHowever, balance Mariana Gonzalez In fact it has already started creating huge anticipation.

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Mariana Gonzalez melts the web with a dangerous neckline, driving Vicente Fernandez Jr. | Photographs

From the chair, Mariana Gonzalez drives Instagram crazy with a dress and daring neckline | Photograph

Gillian Patton

"Tv aficionado. Lifelong communicator. Travel ninja. Hardcore web buff. Typical music geek."

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