In the absence of an official announcement, Barcelona’s first contract for the next season is Frank Guess.

Barcelona – Frank Cessie According to various sources confirmed to ESPN, he will become Barcelona’s first contract for next season. Still AC Milan midfielder will arrive at Camp Nou as a free agent after completing final details with a Catalan club Ivory agent.

Sources close to the talks assure ESPN that the 25-year-old footballer’s contract has been officially closed and that they are all on track. Andreas Christensen Will be Barசாa’s next reinforcement for the 2022-2023 season.

On March 3, ESPN announced that both operations were already on track and that both Kesse and Chelsea center-backs would sign “except for surprises” in Barcelona.

ESPN reported that the Economic Commission derived from Kessie’s signing as a free agent was a key point in opening up the process. Sources told ESPN that after the African footballer’s agent, George Adangana, recently signed a contract with the Royal Spanish Football Federation (RFEF) to raise his stake, various parties have found a solution.

Christensen should be next, with Barசாa still waiting to remove the barrier to action. César Azpilicueta As a free agent.

On November 15, ESPN revealed that the versatile 32-year-old defender had been in demand for next season’s service.

Azpilicueta, whose contract with Chelsea expires in June, welcomes his visit to Camp Nou, but the operation has been delayed due to uncertainty Chelsea will experience after the UK government froze the assets of Russian businessman Roman Abramovich.

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Blues have the option to unilaterally renew the captaincy, but in Barcelona they still hope he will be released as a reward for his life.

In a way, Barcelona is acting in parallel to signing for Ajax Nazir Masroy.

The Moroccan winger is another footballer whose contract expires at the end of the season, and sources admit to ESPN that negotiations to hire him are on track.

Wilmot Chandler

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