How to Enable “Word Mode” on WhatsApp Web | Mexico

WhatsApp Web This is a version of the original app compatible with different browsers that exist today, such as: Google Chrome, Safari, Microsoft Edge, etc. However, despite being one of the most used platforms by users, Meta usually does not update it often but recently added some new text formats.

These are bulleted list, numbered, block quotation and inline code formats.These are with the classic “bold”, “strike through”, “italic” and “monospaced” styles.

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That's why I will teach you how to use each pattern mentioned above after trying them out. Well, each has their own code that you have to memorize because they are not available as options on the messaging platform right now., For this reason, users can use this new change “word order”.

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Steps to use WhatsApp Web's “Word Mode”.

  • List with vignettes or bullets: hyphen, space and message (- word).
  • Numbered list: number, tense, place and message (1st term).
  • Prohibition quote: big symbol, place and message (> word).
  • Aligned code: apostrophe, message and apostrophe ('word').
WhatsApp | These are the new text formats you can use on WhatsApp. (Photo: WhatsApp)
  • Bold font: Star, message and star (*word*).
  • slope: underscore, message and underscore (_word_).
  • strike: Tilde, message and tilde (~word~).
  • Monospace: triple single quotes, message, triple quotes (''word'').
WhatsApp | When writing your text on WhatsApp it is important to leave a space after a line. (Photo: MAG – Rommel Yupanqui)

Remember that you can get these symbols by activating the special keyboard on your cell phone.

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Misty Tate

"Freelance twitter advocate. Hardcore food nerd. Avid writer. Infuriatingly humble problem solver."

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