He was flying to Florida, but came back from the bathroom, got on the plane and accidentally ended up on the airline in another country and without a passport.

A woman traveling from Philadelphia had one of the strangest experiences of her life After boarding a plane little did he know that he would end up in Jamaica instead of Florida, which was his true destination.. The passenger had intended to get to Jacksonville, where she has a second home, but her plans changed when the flight crew made a mistake. What caused her the most was that she didn’t have her passport with her, so she had to wait several hours in one place without being able to move.

The incident happened in November 2022, but Beverly Ellis Hibbard wanted to break her story just now and spilled all the details to 6ABC. As he recounted, he used to fly to the Northeast Florida city frequently, but this was the first time something of this kind had happened: “I fly once every six weeks. I choose Frontier flights because we fly a lot.”

It all started when I was about to get on the plane She asked a worker if she still had time to go to the bathroom. “She said yes. You know, about 20 minutes,” he recalled. The passenger made sure this was the correct arrival, but when she returned, the scenario was different: The plane was almost full and they rushed to board. The steward at the gate said to me: Come, come. Give me your boarding pass.”

The lady thought she was on the right plane because minutes before she checked the boarding gateunsplash

At that moment, everything has become complicated since then The airline staff never noticed that the woman’s ticket didn’t say she was going to Jamaica. She said, “Are you Beverly Ellis Hibbard?” “… I said ‘I just got my boarding pass. You just signed me up. Yes im this person! She replies: “Well, go!” you remember.

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She was already on the plane, and while talking to one of the flight attendants, she told him that “she’ll have time to rest once they land in Jamaica,” which is when Beverly was caught off guard. At first he thought it was a joke: “I laughed and said ‘I’d love to go there, but I have a beach where I live.'” However, the hostess didn’t think so: “He told me, “This plane is going to Jamaica.” And I knew by the look on his face that he wasn’t joking.“.

Unfortunately they were already on their way and there was nothing that could be done. At that moment they explained to him that his flight to Jacksonville had changed gate at the last minute and no one had notified him. Now all that remained was to land on Jamaican soil, which was not easy because the authorities of that country did not allow her to move anywhere. They only allowed him to stay on the runway because it was considered American territory. In this way, the airline crew had to stay with her for several hours, until her flight departed back to the United States.

The woman had been flying for a few minutes when a flight attendant told her they were headed to Jamaica.freepik

The aforementioned media contacted the airline to find out more about what happened. A spokesman said the issue was discussed with airport staff. On the other side, He offered Ellis-Hebard some compensation, such as a $600 coupon and a refund of his original ticket: “We extend our sincerest apologies to Beverly Ellis-Hebard for this unfortunate experience. We are sincerely sorry that you took the wrong flight.”

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Myrtle Frost

"Reader. Evil problem solver. Typical analyst. Unapologetic internet ninja."

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