Guatemala and other countries discuss Bugel government’s proposal for “Central American Union” in El Salvador

Representatives of Guatemala and other Central American countries are discussing a proposal for an agreement this Monday, August 22, in El Salvador. Attempt to form a “Central American Union”. As a superior body.

initiative, Delivered by Salvadoran Vice President Felix Ulloa. The company points out that it is “initially considering eight countries that are part of the Central American Integration Organization (SICA)”.

They are Belize, Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Panama and the Dominican Republic, Its representatives are attending a conference on the future of Central America at a hotel in the Salvadoran capital.

On behalf of the Guatemalan government, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Minex), the “Ministerial Counselor of the Embassy” is participating, whose name It was not released by the Department of Communications.

“This is strictly a bipartisan effort by the Salvadoran Vice President. From Guatemala he was Minister Counselor of Embassy. Only the Nicaraguan foreign minister came at the highest level, the rest were the countries of the embassies,” says the Minex communication.

The President was consulted on the matter, but the Social Communication Secretariat pointed it out This is an issue that came to Minex.

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The document under discussion indicates that “Central American Union” is “a supranational regional organization, with its own legal personality” and it has “economic, political, monetary, financial, social, democratic security and environmental purpose”.

This institution will be constituted by the Union Council, Composed of heads of state; A Parliament and a Court, in addition to the Council of Ministers, a Commission, among other institutions.

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The Salvadoran vice-presidential challenge, based on the draft, could be built by 2024. A final proposal to reform the Tegucigalpa Protocol It should be presented to the heads of SICA countries.

This protocol was signed in 1991 and gave life to SICA, According to Ulloa, that will happen with the reform. “From Consolidation to Unionization”, It required “constitutional engineering” and “constitutional architecture”.

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The Central American Union will be completed With the assent and ratification of each state of a constitutional treaty, Whereas, secondary legislation does not need to be ratified by each country’s parliament.

The budget for its operation comes from contributions from each member state This can come from taxes on tobacco and alcohol. among others.

“Financial resources are determined by the foresight to obtain The ‘Central American Union’ becomes an autonomous body. stable and economically independent from member states”, the document reads.

The Salvadoran proposal, already shared among officials in June, indicates that social governance decisions “may be challenged.” company issuing them and before the Union Court “According to the affirmative means of challenge”.

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Participants appointed by Ortega

According to the newspaper, In Conference on the Future of Central America It discussed the proposal to establish a “Central American Union”. The new General Secretary of SICA, Werner Vargas, participated He was appointed by Nicaraguan President Daniel Ortega to apply for the position.

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“I am especially grateful for the initiative of the Government of El Salvador, Especially for President Nayeb Bukele and his Vice President Felix Ulloa Jr.,” Vargas said.

The post further states Vargas pointed out that the most important challenges facing humanity are transnational ones This makes Central American integration essential, for which he exhorted conference participants to put aside differences and unite.

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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