Girls and boys enjoyed science activities at San Pedro de La Paz Spa

More than 60 girls and boys learned in an entertaining way in the activities that were carried out within the framework of Women and Girls in Science Day.

The initiative organized by Seremi for Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation Macrozona Centro Sur in collaboration with Sports of the Municipality of San Pedro de La Paz, Explora Biobío, CICAT and CRHIAM included the delivery of “inspirational” brochures, which we seek to introduce to 24 national researchers in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. Through a scientific symposium that included questions about scientists and science in Chile, the book “17 Ideas for a Sustainable World” was presented. In parallel, workshops on float painting, construction and rocket launch were held, led by Explora and CICAT.

For Seremi de Ciencia Macrozona Centro Sur, Sofía Valenzuela Aguila “The aim of bringing scientific activities, in addition to the inspiring brochure of our Ministry of Science, is to bring science closer to childhood, in an entertaining way and at the same time, and on this occasion, we show that there are women in the field Science, many scientists and many in our region. In cooperation with Explora, CRHIAM and the Municipality of San Pedro de La Paz, we were able to carry out this activity, in which the family also participated, which makes us very happy, because science can reach different parts of our country, as our President said Gabriel Buric.

Community Development Director of the Municipality of San Pedro de La Paz, Victor Figueroa, expressed his positive appreciation for the day and the use of the municipal spa. “It is important to make public spaces available to the community, and in this activity, which was organized in conjunction with Seremi de Ciencia, where girls, boys and teenagers were able to enjoy and live different experiences, as a municipality, we contribute to strengthening an approach that people go to the different spaces available to them, and an excellent way is Our spa.

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It should be noted that since 2015, the United Nations General Assembly has celebrated the Day of Women and Girls in Science on February 11 of each year with the aim of enhancing their access to education, training and research in all fields of knowledge, especially in the field of science. Technology, engineering and mathematics.

Myrtle Frost

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