“Deterioration of public services cannot be hidden, says Miguel Vargas”| Daily list

Miguel Vargas Maldonado, leader of the Dominican Revolutionary Party (PRD), reiterated his concern. “The current lack of provision by most public services” that, competently, the Dominican government must guarantee.

“In addition to the continuous complaints of users of public services, the deterioration of most of them today is undeniable, which we warned about since the end of last year, due to the indifferent attitude of the authorities,” he said. Vargas Maldonado.

The presidential candidate also demanded that the government be concerned with reversing the deteriorating conditions evident in services such as: Health, Education, Government Assistance Scheme “SUPERATE”National System for Passports, Emergencies and Safety 9-1-1, among others.

“In each of these cases, the incompetence of the current administration has been demonstrated and demonstrated, and the bankruptcy of basic services in its administration has been highlighted,” Vargas said.

Similarly, the president of the PRD said in a communication that the organization is considering mass transit Metro de Santo Domingo, a very important and national security service.

“Consequently, we alert the government to the need to delicately handle expressions of discomfort expressed in the most important resource of this service, the human being,” he declared.

In this sense, Vargas called on the authorities to reconsider Mass layoffs in Metro“And prevent such an important service to the metropolis that makes up greater Santo Domingo without falling into the crisis that many other public services are showing.”

“Our party, in addition to showing solidarity with the canceled operators and employees, is focused on regularizing the labor contract as agreed by the Ministry of Public Administration, and implementing administrative life, when necessary, to avoid strange cancellations” , he pointed out.

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Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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