Conservative New Hampshire Magazine Supports Union Leader Pita – Its First Democratic Approval in 100 Years

“Building this country sits within the package of Joseph Fiden’s ability. We have found Mr. Fiden to be a caring, compassionate and professional public servant.” The Union Leader editorial board wrote Sunday. “He has repeatedly expressed his desire to be president throughout the United States. We accept his word.”

However, the editorial board of the article points to alleged “significant” policy disagreements with Biden, which the board expects to “not agree in part” over the next four years.

“Joe Biden may not be the president we want, but he’s the president we need most in 2020,” the editorial continued. “He will be the president to bring the people together and bring the state ship to the right.”

Despite the board’s policy differences with Biden, it is not enough to endorse President Donald Trump’s visit to New Hampshire on Sunday. The Newspaper Board wrote that Trump was “not always 100% wrong, but he was 100% wrong for the United States.”

In 2016, the paper’s editorial board Broke its 100 year tradition Supporting Republicans with the approval of Libertarian Gary Johnson to replace President Donald Trump. A year ago, Trump magazine publisher Joseph McQuit called him a “low-life” and “bad guy”. Lost the preferred approval of the paper GOP first place went to New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.

The editorial board concluded, “Unfortunately, President Trump has proven himself thoughtful and pragmatic; he failed to earn a second term.”

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Eden Hayes

"Wannabe gamer. Subtly charming beer buff. General pop culture trailblazer. Incurable thinker. Certified analyst."

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