Computer scientists reveal that 83% of “minutes” published by the far-right are redacted

Caracas.- Freddy Ñáñez, Vice President of Communication, Culture and Tourism, revealed that 83% of the “minutes” allegedly posted by the far-right on its fraudulent website had been modified using editing software.

The revelation comes after finding images uploaded to a portal where computer experts said: “It's interesting because when you talk to computer scientists you can identify each image by its ID card, that is, every document that scans it creates an image like what we see on the screen, but that image has metadata. , and that metadata is the digital fingerprint of that image.”

The experts, as highlighted by Ñáñez, explained what the metadata says, in this case, “what brand of equipment scanned the document, the serial number of the equipment and the time and day the document was copied. .”

“When you check the metadata of an image, you can tell that the image is a faithful copy of the original, and if you check every image out there and the metadata doesn't appear or isn't deleted, it's because the image is there. Sent through editing software,” asserted the minister.
Similarly, the absence of metadata in a document means that “the image has been altered by adding or stealing elements such as its color, content, numbers, signatures, etc. However, when you see that an image lacks metadata, that image cannot be considered a true copy of the original.

“We are now less than 15 days away from the events [electorales] And some computer scientists sold these images as records so we can start showing diagnoses. Of the 9,472 images they originally uploaded to the website, 30% of the records they claimed to have, when they specialized, they found that 83% of those images had no metadata. Editing software means that 83% of these images are not true copies of the original,” Ñáñez pointed out.

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With information from VTV

Esmond Harmon

"Entrepreneur. Social media advocate. Amateur travel guru. Freelance introvert. Thinker."

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