Capricorn Horoscope – February 26, 2021 | Capricorn horoscope

You may feel the urge to explore new frontiers, the energy of Mars in your creative home, the moon transforming your 9th house, you cry to explore the scope of your business, your long journeys, overseas, your new hopes. .

You have been asking for change for days, and now is a good time to take action and measure its effects. It’s time to open up the opportunity to do things differently. Be spontaneous and live in a different present.

Mercury and Jupiter in the 2nd house, your Aquarius zone, asks you to create a universe with many possibilities, communication and expansion from the sense of “I am worthy” Write that.

It gives you pleasure, it’s important to explore whether it can leave a personal value on you, it’s not exactly about giving up your current job, maybe you can start from there, learn something new or manage your vacation dream trip. Use communication to support you.

Venus in the 3rd house, the house of communication, you have the energy to open the conversation about what you already think you should do.

It’s time to leave a toxic relationship, or it’s time to call to formalize the relationship if you are not in one, and not be “friends”


Hand pain is the result of what you think, Gemini goes through your 6th house, the house of the body, so it is activated when you clear yourself of pain and when you are flooded with doubts. Focus on yourself, Geminis sometimes play with you that you should not do. Error, call if something hurts and it wakes up.

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As a good Capricorn, you know how to work and enjoy the energy it gives you, Jupiter, Saturn and Mercury form a train, which is a compatible feature to align what you are doing to fulfill your lofty purpose. Get ready to leave your comfort zone.

3rd house is a moment to move your family area and cancer through Wednesday, activate your communications, explore together what the next stage is, raise a family or think about the next steps for the future.

Otherwise, re-evaluate whether what you are experiencing is real or toxic, and it may be time to leave the relationship that is no longer going on.

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Ritual to activate the energies of money

Jupiter and Mercury make you feel abundant and prosperous, but don’t lose yourself in that abundant sense, remember to save tomorrow.

Your 8th house is your 8th house and Venus in Pisces is erotic and creative with the carcinogenic power of cancer, protect yourself if you do not have a proper partner, you can get new responsibilities or extend a family.

Love: Capricorn, Virgo, Taurus

Friendship: Scorpio, Pisces, Capricorn

Labor: Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer

Emotional freedom asks the energy to explore new unknown lands that jump with excitement at what you are doing, and ask yourself what you want to learn from the new. What do you want to do? There you are laughing, there it is.


Gillian Patton

"Tv aficionado. Lifelong communicator. Travel ninja. Hardcore web buff. Typical music geek."

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