Breaking Bad: Changes in the product made the series better

Mexico City /

Years pass Breaking Bad Continues to position itself as one of the public’s preferences and, moreover, News continues to circulate around her It only magnifies his heritage. It was at this time, The The production company has made some changes That alone was decisive in its success.

in the beginning That was planned The braking pad is exposed And film Riverside, California, But one study showed the producer if they go Albuquerque, New MexicoThey will find economic benefits, where they decided to change headquarters.

They said New Mexico was tax-exempt for film and television productions, and that it was very substantial.. It was so hard to ignore… So, for serious financial reasons, New Mexico soon became the new place where we decided to film our series. We wanted to do more with our limited budgetHe explained Vince Gilligan, One of the creators Breaking Bad In Sland magazine.

The success of Breaking Bad The city was so big Albuquerque It became a tourist destination, As thousands of fans of the series came to the place where the storyline was filmed; He said that the headquarters will continue to be the shooting center of the spin-off film. It is better to call Saul, Even from the sequel that came in the film “El Camino: A Breaking Bad Movie”.

Selection of the main actor

Production Breaking Bad I had the American actor in mind Matthew Proderick Take the lead role Walter White, However, He turned down the role because he decided to stay in cinema And they don’t experiment in series.

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Proteric He liked the production because his features were the father of a family, but before he could deny it, it was only when they went in search of it. Brian Cranston With so many reservations, they considered this He was typed into his role in the Malcolm series. However, all turned out to be successful, and the rest is history.

Gillian Patton

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