AI-Powered Robot Chemist Synthesizes Catalysts for Oxygen on Mars

The Chinese Scientists Committee (USTC) of the University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) was formed A robotic chemist powered by artificial intelligence (AI) for automated synthesis and developing catalysts for oxygen production from Martian meteorites.

The breakthrough, led by Luo Yi and professor Jiang Jun, director of the USTC Hefei National Research Center for Microscale Physical Sciences, uses a machine learning model to identify the optimal catalyst formula among more than 3,76 million possible compounds.

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A process that would take 2,000 years with human labor was successfully accomplished in six weeks using AI, Xinhua news agency reported today.

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The synthesized catalyst proved its viability by producing oxygen Stable, even in adverse conditions simulated on Mars with a temperature of -37°C.

The discovery has significant implications for human exploration of Mars, as it highlights the potential of AI to contribute to the development of essential materials in an extraterrestrial environment, such as oxygen production, infrastructure construction, and food production.

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Professor Jiang explained that the AI ​​developed a predictive model based on learning from more than 50,000 chemical articles, which provides a promising catalyst formula in record time.

This advance paves the way for eventual human settlement and survival on Mars by enabling the synthesis of critical chemicals from local resources.

This Monday, Another team of Chinese scientists developed an advanced atmospheric model And accurate to Mars, called “GoMars,” a numerical tool that simulates the Red Planet’s environment.

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The model will be used in the next Chinese model return mission from Mars as part of the Asian giant Space Administration’s Tianwen 3 mission, scheduled for 2028.

In recent years, Beijing has been investing heavily in its space program and reaching milestones In January 2019, the Song 4 spacecraft successfully landed on the far side of the Moon, a feat never achieved by any country till date.


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